Best League of Legends Healers


Healers are a unique League of Legends class that is alternatively known as enchanters. Their primary purpose is healing and shielding allies. Generally, healers are found in the bot lane in the role of supports, but there are some champions like Ivern that can play the enchanter playstyle in the jungle.

Having said all that, here are the best League of Legends healers you can pick up!

Best League of Legends Healers


soraka-splash-dark-scaled title

Soraka is the most common healer (enchanter) pick in League of Legends. She is extremely simple to play, however, her strength can not be understated. The job of a Soraka in a team is to sit in the backlines and heal the allies. 

Most of her healing is done through her W, which reduces Soraka’s HP each time she casts it. However, the reduction is much smaller than the healing output that goes to the ally. The small reduction can even be compensated with Q, a skill-shot ability that heals Soraka whenever it hits an enemy.

Finally, the greatest part of Soraka’s kit is her healing ultimate. The ultimate is a spell with a global range, and it will heal every ally on the map. It’s an extremely powerful spell that can dictate the outcomes of fights when cast well.


Yuumi title

Although not the best pick when considering all the options an enchanter support can give, Yuumi is still one of the greatest picks in the healing category. This champion will spend 95% of the game attached to an ally. From this position, Yuumi can cast her Q to slow and damage the enemies, and she can also shield and heal her ally. The shielding is done through E, and the healing is mainly done through her ultimate.

It must be noted that Yuumi is somewhat of a weak early-game pick. However, she is extremely strong in the late game, especially when paired with some hyper-carry pick such as Kog’Maw. She can double the strength of champions who are already designed to 1v9 the game, making them even more powerful!


Nami title

Aside from healing, Nami is a champion distinguished by great utility. She can provide incredible peeling with her Q bubble that stuns the enemies, and her long AOE mini-stun ultimate. She can also use these spells to engage. Another great kit of Nami’s kit is her W spell which grants a designed ally 3 empowered auto-attacks. 

This spell can be especially powerful when paired with champions such as Lucian. Lucian has a passive that allows him to dish out extra auto-attacks extremely fast, which makes this combo incredible for bursting enemies.


dj-sona-splash title

Sona is another solid support pick. She is not incredibly mechanically demanding, but she is not the easiest champ to pick up either. She has an AOE heal that can restore HP of multiple allies at once, and she also has exhaust-like abilities that can exhaust the enemy, making them deal less damage. 

Her ultimate is an AOE stun that can be extremely beneficial for 2v2 bot lane skirmishes, and especially strong in the late-game team fight scenarios. Overall, Sona is a very versatile pick that can accommodate a vast variety of ADC’s

Final Thoughts

The main job of a healer is to sit behind and heal the correct allies at the correct times in the game. The undoubtedly best healer for this task in almost every game is Soraka. However, if you are looking for something with more utility, you can try your hand at picks like Nami and Sona!

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